Alice Yuan Zhang (Lecture)

Sunday 14 May — De Brakke Grond (Remote)

Alice Yuan Zhang 张元 is a Chinese-American media artist, researcher, and cultural organizer. Her transdisciplinary practice operates on cyclical and intergenerational time. Along the peripheries of colonialist imagination, she works to bring technology down to earth by devising collective experiments in ancestral remembering, interspecies pedagogy, and networked solidarity.

Alice is a founding steward of virtual care lab, a collective that has hosted various creative experiments in remote connection since 2020. Her ongoing research has been supported by the Internet Archive, Processing Foundation, 0x Salon, and CultureHub. She currently teaches Solidarity Infrastructures at the School for Poetic Computation and regularly facilitates public learning engagements across academic institutions such as CalArts, Harvard, Duke, NYU, HFBK, and University of Toronto, cultural institutions including Goethe-Institute, Gray Area, Oyoun, Iowa PS1, and MAK Center, and independent initiatives like Trust, NAVEL, Tiny Tech Zines, and Mehringplatz 20. Her writing has been published by Outland,, Eohippus Labs, and Awhām Magazine.