FIBER Festival 2023

FIBER Festival is an Amsterdam based meeting place for everyone interested in contemporary audiovisual art, daring conversations and experimental electronic music. 

With its 8th edition FIBER invites a curious audience to a multi-sensory programme that explores alternative ways of listening as a critical medium to look at our environment.


10 May | Exhibition opening

11 May | Opening Concert

11 — 14 May | Exhibition

11 — 14 May | FIBER Festival

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

FIBER Festival
11 - 14 May 2023


For its 2023 festival edition, FIBER explores the theme of Fragments. Carrying a duality between something falling apart while simultaneously offering a chance to rearrange and explore new compositions. Fragments invites you to reassemble a new understanding of our surroundings and identities, using different acts of listening, music, sound, sonic speculation, and magical worldbuilding as inspiring and critical media. The theme acts as a collection of lenses, frequencies, vectors, and objects through which we explore contemporary developments in art, music, technology, and ecology – all in relation to a technologically-disorientated human mind and precarious state of the world due to climate collapse.


Fragments can be perceived in multiple ways; from millions of parts that make up a whole, the collection of different voices, algorithmically mediated spaces, and metaverses, to the cutting-up of music, stories, memories, and identities to form new constellations of meaning. Doing so, it explores the relationship between sound and listening more broadly, including the body's capacity to ‘listen’ through touch or other senses. Or to expand our sensing capacities through planetary-scale computation and tracing non-human flows of life and matter that make up the earth's dimensions.

FIBER invites you to join the 8th festival edition, fast-forward, skip through, or slow down with a programme of audiovisual art, sonic encounters, digital creativity, and daring conversations. To meet a generation of artistic makers and thinkers who help ground us in the realities of our present and futures.  

Fragments makes space for a series of fragmented questions: What new languages and thoughts arise from amplifying and listening to non-human forms of communication, from AI to animal entities? As we see the cartesian way of classifying the worlds around us fall short, what new realities should we, and can we, still construct? What voices have been pushed into the background while shaping a dominant view of history and the present? In times of crisis, can (not) listening create a resilient state or move us to act?

Trailer FIBER Festival 2023

Trailer made by Leeza Pritychenko and Irene Stracuzzi


To realise FIBER Festival 2023, we need talented and inspiring volunteers to help us organise the conference, exhibition and music programme. Would you like to gain experience in setting up and developing a digital culture festival? Then sign up!

FAQ & Code of Conduct

If you have questions about accessibility, ticketing or anything else regarding our festival. Please visit our FAQ or Travel & Stay page.

Within all our festivals and events we try to create a safe, welcoming, diverse and inclusive space for everyone. Do you want to read our Code of Conduct? Click here.

Contact & Press

To unlock all the important stories of the creators and researchers, FIBER collaborates with professional journalists, writers and students. We welcome you to the festival. Contact us to get access to the programmes:

Lead marketing & communication, press inquiries and accreditations: Hannah van den Elzen |

Other information:

Read our latest press releases here.

Press Accreditations

We offer professionals working in the festival field the opportunity to apply for a professionals accreditation. More information about the accreditation will follow soon.

Other contacts

General information:

Ticket information: