Andreas Tegnander

Friday 12 May
Audiovisual Art Assembly (AAA), Oedipus Brewing.

Andreas Tegnander is a Norwegian multimedia artist with a degree in media and sono communication from Sonic College (DK).  Since graduating in 2019 Andreas has been active in the sonic art scene in Amsterdam, pursuing sound in experimental theatre/ dance, haptics, architecture, performance and installation art.

Andreas asks questions about perception through installations that expose hidden sonic layers of nature. The installations are meant to act as public sensory extensions that offer doors into alternative realms where we can sense what we can not sense. Andreas is currently involved with a multitude of multimedia and music projects playing with nature of perception.

Flora Ex Machina

"Flora ex Machina" is a sound installation and a public sensory organ that offers a completely new way to experience Beatrixpark and the complex, hidden sounds of its trees. While the park's soundscape is filled with people talking, birds chirping, trains passing, and music playing, there are certain layers of sounds in the park that are not available to us because they do not travel through the air.

If you go up to any tree swaying in the wind and lay your ear upon its trunk, you can get a glimpse of a world of hidden sounds. By using custom-built vibration microphones and computer software, these tree stems are amplified to reveal a complex sonic world. This installation is part of a series of installations dealing with the topic sensory extensions, creating tools and spaces that translate signals oft of reach into the reach of our sensory system. The main question being: What can I sense? In this installation, we are using our sense of hearing to travel into the stems of trees and listen to how our city resonates through its fauna. Is it possible to get a glimpse of city life from their perspective? To feel how the wind is throwing it around? The space is turned into a large petri dish, where the vibration microphones act as microscopes pointed at the park's sonic microcosmos.



Flora ex Machina_