Arif Kornweitz

Sunday 14 May Symposium, De Brakke Grond

With the constant drive to automate information and industrial processes, computer systems are trained to listen to other computers or machines. In the process, people - and often the worker - are removed from the work environment. Musician and researcher Arif Kornweitz made a sound composition using samples that are not meant to be heard by humans. They are used for the development of AI applications that can recognize broken machines in industrial settings. The piece We got nothing on them is an ill-fated attempt at re-qualifying sensor data. Linked to the session Patterns in the Noise on machine listening, Arif will play an excerpt from this sound work and participate with a short Q&A. 

Arif Kornweitz is a PhD candidate at the KIM research group on critical AI at the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design, where he conducts research about conflict prediction in the humanitarian sector. He is the director of a new MFA at the Sandberg Instituut in Amsterdam, titled Artificial Times, which invites students to critically engage with music, sound and AI. He also produces sound pieces for performances and exhibitions, as well as dance music, runs a new label UUUSE and co-directs Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee.