Emile Frankel (Lecture)

Sunday 14 May — De Brakke Grond (Hybrid)

Emile Frankel is a writer and composer. He is the author of Hearing the Cloud (Zero Books), and a lecturer at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in media theory. His current research considers Large Language Modelling, the discourse of the grass is always greener, and the loneliness of a subject enclosed within the ‘prompt’ of their own words. 

Emile’s work touches on themes of world-building, machine listening, the changing conditions of digital subjectivity, and wider issues pertaining to political and future-oriented aesthetics.

Emile has produced a body of scored work for ensembles featuring performers + interactive playable virtual environments. His music criticism has appeared in places like The Quietus, the Barbican, Stray Landings, Liquid Architecture, Disclaimer, and Texture Magazine. He has lectured at Unsound Festival, CTM Berlin, and Norberg Festival. In his spare time he runs a small publisher of sci-fi, RPG campaigns, and critical fantasy—called Formling.  

Emile Frankel is part of the symposium programme, happening on Saturday 13 May, and Sunday 14 May at De Brakke Grond. Emile will be part of the second panel, on Sunday 14 May from 14:30 - 16:00.