Xenofossils (2023)
Erik Peters (NL)

Xenofossils presents a series of future artefacts emerged from human interventions on Earth's ecosystems. The pieces speculate on new fossils, entities and alliances that might unfold from the fusion of natural and human-made ecosystems beyond a nature-culture dualism. The artist recently conducted research in the Philippines on the use and development of artificial coral reefs, used in the fight against the extinction of this fundamental life form. 

By immersing yourself in the work, you get to know the symbiotic and unified voice(s) of the coral. What might they tell us about their experience of the world, which now finds itself between organic and synthetic matter? The works are created in collaboration with ceramist Funda Baysal using ceramic 3D printing as a process of reconstructing natural materials, drawing parallels between print layers and geological layers.

About the artist

Erik Peters (he/they) is an interdisciplinary artist and designer engaged with storytelling, uncovering how speculative fiction can manifest new universes of being. Their research-based and collaborative practice is situated in an interdependent web of ecologies and technologies, human and non-human beings.

Within their work, queer methodologies are evoked to create multidisciplinary scenarios about possible futures; imaginative worlds staged as spatial and interactive installations, workshops, publications and audiovisual works. Their work includes materials and techniques such as generative artificial intelligence, ceramics, 3D printing and scanning methods.