Perpétuité I (2021)
Félix Luque Sanchez (BE)

Perpétuité I is an installation made by the Spanish artist Félix Luque Sanchez, in collaboration with Damien Gernay, Vincent Evrard and Iñigo Bilbao. The installation consists of two robotic arms programmed to manifest the eternal. The visitor is invited to contemplate the perfection of mechatronic automation, observing the repetitive, identical and infinite movements of both machines.

Perpétuité I functions as a metaphor of the present time, and offers a space for contemplation, in the face of our accelerated progress. When human society is faced with its extinction, the eternal becomes a new task for our machines, a utopia in a future without humanity.

Perpétuité I provides an almost philosophical response to the ideas of technological progress and the use of resources required to achieve it. With technology, are we ever able to be complete and in charge? Is it the machines that survive us on this planet, or are they also endlessly completing their routines in which no more progress is possible?

About the artist

The work of Felix Luque Sánchez (he/him) explores how humans conceive their relationship with technology and provide spaces for reflection on current issues such as the development of artificial intelligence and automatism. Using electronic and digital systems of representation, as well as mechatronic sculptures, generative sound scores, live data feeds and algorithmic processes, he creates narratives in which fiction blends with reality, suggesting possible scenarios of a near future and confronting the viewer with her fears and expectations about what machines can do.