Hüma Utku presents The Psychologist (Live AV)

Friday 12 May — Noordwaards

Combining her musical practice with her academic studies in psychology, Hüma Utku composes music that characterizes itself through deep textures; using harmonious noise and harsh ritualistic rhythms as tools for storytelling. Utku is an electronic music composer and sound artist from Istanbul, living in Berlin, gaining inspiration from the psyche and human conditions.

Her music is a fragmented combination between field recordings and acoustic instruments. For this year’s FIBER festival she will perform her latest album “The Psychologist”. The performance will be visually supported by the work of visual artist Utku Önal, drawing from the cinematographic tradition of Body Horror. Get ready for a heavy and embodied experience of sonic fragmentation of different genres combined with a visual assembly of disturbing aesthetics.

The Psychologist, released on Editions Mego in May 2022, has been cited as Utku's most ambitious, authentic and complex work yet. Since 2016, Utku has presented her work in festivals and institutions including Atonal Berlin, CTM Festival, HKW, Sonic Acts, Today's Art and Lunchmeat Festival.