Prosthetic Sensorium
Jan Christian Schulz (DE/NL)

Prosthetic Sensorium is a sensing instrument made by the Netherlands-based artist Jan Christian Schultz. This inflatable object acts as a prosthetic extension of the human senses for mediating ecological sensitivity. It is equipped with vibration sensors and microphones that collect activities of geospatially distant ecosystems. It captures real-time sounds and vibrations within the biosphere, recording the presence of migrating species, and listens to complex interactions of weather phenomena, allowing visitors to experience the environment with its inhabiting entities.

About the artist

Jan Christian Schulz is a designer and researcher based in Germany and The Netherlands. He investigates environmental hyper-processes and the emergence of ecosystemic relationships through technological media. Operating on the intersection of design and science, he complements his theoretical work with the creation of socio-ecological interventions that challenge prevailing realities.