Joost Vervoort

Friday 12 May Audiovisual Art Assembly (AAA), Oedipus Brewing

Joost Verhoort is an Associate Professor of Transformative Imagination at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University. Coming from a background of complex systems thinking and scenario planning, Joost’s work now focuses on the intersection of societal transformation, imaginative, and creative practices and political action. He has a particular focus on game design and the imaginative potential of the game industry.

As part of FIBER’s Audiovisual Art Assembly, Joost will talk more about connecting games and climate action, with a special focus on two themes; the game project All Rise and The Game Dev Rebellion. All Rise is a game in which players take big fossil fuel companies to court, inspired by the Ace Attorney series. The game aims to be subversive, funny as hell, inspiring, and irreverent while drawing on the experiences of real, successful climate court cases and campaigns. Most importantly, the game will be used as a way to raise funds for real climate court cases. The Game Dev Rebellion is an activist group of game developers and others working on various games. The aim is to encourage people to start organising and go to real-life climate actions locally, as well as contribute to online actions, by providing resources and connections to wider climate movements. How can game design support and facilitate climate action, connect like-minded people, and spill over into other spheres, such as development, journalism, politics, and more? During his talk, Joost will touch upon these questions and more.