Perila (Opening Concert)

Thursday 11 May — Concertgebouw

When listening more closely to Perila’s soothing sounds, one explores a piece built out of different fragments containing many sonic details gathered from field recordings. Perila (Aleksandra Zakharenko) is a Berlin-based sound and visual artist, raised in St. Petersburg. Perila is working on soundscapes based on ideas of "Evaporation". For the performance during our opening night, she will create an immersive sonic space that explore how sounds grow and evaporate together with a voice in breathing texture waves.

Perila’s work is mostly described as ambient, but there is more to discover from her sonic creations. Working mainly with electronics, Perila sometimes uses acoustic instruments or her voice to empower the ambience of a track. By doing so she explores how we can feel music and emotion throughout the body and how sound can be the initiator to release it.

Perila has a history as a drummer and singer in local bands in Russia, and is also the co-founder of The latter is one of the first online stations in Russia focusing on experimental sounds. When moving to Berlin, Perila found her place at Berlin Community Radio. Her research into expressionistic field recordings and electronic sound eventually led Zakharenko to develop her own podcast series, WET (Weird Erotic Tension), combining her evocative, atmospheric music with erotic spoken word poetry.

Perila is part of the festival opening concert at Concertgebouw, in collaboration with Éntree on Thursday 11 May.

The Opening Night at Concertgebouw is both included in the FIBER Passe-partout as sold as a separate ticket. When you purchased a passe-partout, you need to reserve your spot via the website of Het Concertgebouw. Use the private discount code on your passe-partout ticket to register. Please be aware that only a registration guarantees your reservation for the opening night. This event tends to sell out quickly!