Puce Mary (Live)

Friday 12 May — Noordwaards

Puce Mary is a Danish sound artist working in the fields of electronic experimental music. Her performances are a balance between cinematic compositions and industrial noise. Her recent project explores the field of sound in its broadest sense, telling a complex sonic narrative using fragments of industrial tones and ambient soundscapes. Her live performances often wander away from her pre-recorded material, using a controlled set of variables and a system that is able to bear reproducible results. Expect a sonic-fragmentation of buildups and breakdowns, filled with rich dynamics and surreal cinematics.

Amongst her solo projects she worked together with artists such as Croatian Amor, Drew McDowall, Varg2TM, Kali Malone and StephenO’Malle;

The sounds that the listener is exposed to are, if not allegorical, functional, like a sonic lexicon. You listen to aural portraits of the ideas and struggles contained in the overall theme. I am pushing the listener more into an experience where the movements tell a story or express a system of thought. -
Puce Mary