Floating Codes (2022)
Ralf Baecker (DE)

Floating Codes is a site-specific light and sound installation made by German artist Ralf Baecker. The installation explores the inner workings and hidden aesthetics of artificial neural networks; the way computer systems learn, recognise patterns and reproduce them. Within the installation, visitors can explore the centre of an artificial neural network’s computational dialog. Once the system is activated, the exhibition space becomes immersed in constantly shifting visual and audible pulses.

The network of neurons will register light stimuli and react by sending out light pulses to communicate with other neurons. Different patterns are propagated throughout the network, resulting in continuously alternating sounds and visuals. Step inside and take your time, getting to know the ebbs and flows of the system.

About the artist

Ralf Baecker (he/him) is a multidisciplinary artist working on the intersection of art, science, and technology. Within his work Baecker explores the underlying mechanisms of new media and technology. His projects seek to provoke new imaginaries of the machinic, the artificial and the real. A radical form of engineering that bridges traditionally discreet machine thinking with alternative technological perspectives and a new material understanding that makes use of self-organising principles.