Audiovisual Art Assembly

Fri 12 May | Oedipus Brewing

11 AM - 5.30 PM

A collective exploration into artistic and critical making-processes for professionals and students.

Gedempt Hamerkanaal 85, 1021 KP Amsterdam

Moderator: Abdel Hassan

Full programme overview here

The Audiovisual Art Assembly (AAA) is a one-day event, which functions as a platform for a wide variety of artistic makers and thinkers to exchange making processes and research methodologies in the fields of media art, electronic music, sound art, design and research.

At the same time, possible relationships and ways of collaborating between the arts and (academic) research will also be examined. This will include the relationships between art practices and technological, ecological and social topics.

Header image: FIBER Festival (2022), Pieter Kers


Started in 2018 as a series of small events, the platform was successfully brought back to life in the 2022 festival. This year, the second AAA will return as part of the FIBER Festival on Friday 12 May, in the shape of a one day meeting place in Amsterdam.

The day offers plenty of room for exchanging work experiences. At the heart of the programme is the dissemination of knowledge and skills connected to unique making processes and visions in relation to the field of digital art, audiovisual performances, creative coding, electronic music, sound art, stage performance, (artistic) research, and various interdisciplinary design directions.

The Audiovisual Art Assembly invites professional and studying artists, designers, technologists, curators and organizers to explore contemporary works and topics collectively. You will get to know new peers, gain insights into emerging practices and learn more about interdisciplinary collaborations. The event closes with an afternoon of networking drinks and music, giving everyone a chance to get to know each other better.

Next to buying a ticket, we ask visitors to register for this educational programme via this form.

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